Thursday, December 31st 2009 Weather Outlook

1 01 2010

Thursday’s Weather Outlook; Great Lakes/Northeast/Southeast System, Plains/Mississippi Valley System, Northwest System

On Thursday, a system will cotninue to push through the Northeast, while a system pushes through the Southern Plains, and a system pushes intot he West. Showers and storms will be likely from coastal areas of the Northeast, down into the Southeast, associated with a system pushing through the Northeast. On the north side of the system, accumulating snow will be likely in portions of the Great Lakes and Northeast. Lake effect snow will also begin in favored areas of the Great Lakes, with accumulations also being likely. In the Southern Plains and Southern Mississippi Valley, showers and storms will be likely associated with a system pushing through. On the north side of the system, some snow will be likely in portions of the Rockies and Plains. Light accumulations will be likely. In the Northwest, a new system will push into the region. Rain will be likely along the coast and in lower elevations of the interior. Accumulating snow will be likely in portions of the Cascades, Rockies, and Sierra. Below are the thunderstorm and snowfall outlooks for Thursday.



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